Common Features of a Commercial Gate
blogIn addition to ensuring employees and customers feel safe on a business property, securing a commercial gate can reduce the risk of theft and vandalism. It also reduces the likelihood that an insurance claim will be made by a property owner, which can save on premiums for the company.
Every security gate is unique to the property it will protect – industrial properties have different traffic needs than apartment complexes or HOA parking garages. However, there are several common features that these types of gates will have in common.
One important factor to consider is how often the gate will be used. For example, if the gate is going to be used frequently, it may need to open and close more quickly than a gate that is only used occasionally. In this case, it would be a good idea to look at higher horsepower gate operators. These can automate heavier and larger gates more quickly than smaller, less-powerful models.
Choosing the Right Commercial Gate: Factors to Consider for Your Business
Additionally, a commercial gate can be equipped with integrated security features that can make it more difficult for people to enter the property without authorization. For instance, a gate can be installed with integrated CCTV cameras that monitor and record activity on the property, as well as security alarms that will sound and notify the business owner of an intruder.
Some types of commercial gates can also incorporate biometric authentication, which makes it more difficult for intruders to bypass the system by using stolen credentials like key cards or PIN codes. These types of systems can also be more convenient for users, as they do not require them to remember and carry their credentials with them.